Trigger Warning: Reports of abuse by men in power Part 3

What is happening now, people speaking out about having been abused, is incredibly important. For a single victim of abuse to think about speaking out is like thinking about going down a dark alley alone late at night. It is quite scary. From those initial victims speaking out despite the fearful consequences, speaking out is no longer going down a dark alley alone. Instead, it is going with dozens if not hundreds or thousands of friends, holding hands, protecting and cheering for each other. No longer so scary and not nearly so difficult.

Many men have been brainwashed to believe silence means consent, many women have been brainwashed to believe whatever they say or do will not make a difference in a male dominated authority structure. Don’t accept that brainwashing. Your body knows the truth of its experience. Trust that.

Look at the impact of a few brave women speaking out. #metoo, among other efforts, is forcing some of the abusers out in the light – calling them to account for their heedless destruction of the lives of others. This call to account involving adult celebrities has led to starting to open the doors to acknowledge the evil impact that pedophilia have wrought on so many child stars, whose lives often fell apart completely under the pressure of their unresolved trauma.

It is spreading to the music and fashion industries as well as into politics and corporate executive offices. Let’s continue that push, extend it to all survivors of early childhood abuse. Sunlight is the best disinfectant; natural, bright, and healing.

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